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Articles & Essays

A New Direction for Kuyperian Economics

A recent small conference hosted by the Journal of Markets and Morality inspired me to work out an argument that I started thinking through as I read some recent work on Neo-Calvinist economic thought. The result is this paper. I am already aware that there…
Prostitution, State Violence, and Economic Opportunities: A Response to McMullen
Articles & Essays
Can Baby Bonds Adress Historic Racial Injustice?
Capitalism, Opportunity, the Welfare State, and Virtue



Polarization and the Academy

This post first appeared on CSR's Christ Animated Learning Blog. One of the clearest conclusions we can take away from the 2020 election season is that political and ideological polarization has continued to be one of the most powerful forces in our social life. In…
Why Is College so Expensive?
Can Higher Education Be Unbundled?
Why Colleges will not be Replaced by Online Education

General Economics

Articles & Essays

A New Direction for Kuyperian Economics

A recent small conference hosted by the Journal of Markets and Morality inspired me to work out an argument that I started thinking through as I read some recent work on Neo-Calvinist economic thought. The result is this paper. I am already aware that there…
Prostitution, State Violence, and Economic Opportunities: A Response to McMullen
General Economics
Regulation, Licensing, and Poverty
Articles & Essays
Can Baby Bonds Adress Historic Racial Injustice?